We would link to show you some of our details from moulds we constructed. We have divided them in a particular order depending on a type of mould: injection moulds, blow-up moulds, casting moulds and pressure moulds.

Injection moulds

Detail from a injection mould for a lamp decoration.
lamp decoration lamp decoration, close-up

Details from a injection mould on a tire for baby carrier.
tire for baby carrier, type 1, up tire for baby carrier, type 2 tire for baby carrier, type 1, side

Detail from a injection mould for a finishing of a wheel for a baby carrier.
finishing of a wheel for a baby carrier

Detail from a injection mould for a livery of Pojazdy Szynowe PESA Bydgoszcz SA company.
livery of Pojazdy Szynowe PESA Bydgoszcz SA company

Detail from a injection mould for a socket of number plate.
socket of number plate socket of number plate, close-up

Blow-up moulds

Detail from a blow-up mould for a bottle and a cap.
bottle and a cap cap

Detail from a blow-up mould for a washing-up liquid bottle.
washing-up liquid bottle

Detail from a blow-up mould for a can.

Casting moulds (metal)

Detail from a casting mould on a roll.
roll section of a roll

Pressure moulds (metal)

Detail from a pressure mould for a fireplace.
fireplace, up fireplace, side

Detail from a pressure mould for a valve shield.
valve shield

Detail from a pressure mould for a engine shield.
engine shield